
Asian healing science designed to rebalance or unblock the flow Qi (energy) within the body. Sterile needles are used at specific points on the body, which correspond to points on the meridian/channels in which the energy flows. These channels usher in life giving essentials for overall wellness.


Herbal Medicine & Therapy

Alongside Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine is the other pillar of Chinese medicine. The application of Chinese herbs is based on pattern diagnosis which requires the proper use of temperature, heat, cool, bitter, sweet, bland, cloying, drying, tonification and elimination of excess.

Lifestyle Counseling

We are faced with many stressors daily.  Over time the stressors can affect our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states. There are certain foods that are good for someone but may be detrimental to another. We offer therapeutic eating guidance to maximize your energy potential. In addition to that we instruct you in specific internal exercise practices to enhance your breathing and to bring more flexibility and awareness to you overall healing process.

Acupuncture Services

  • Electroacupuncture is a form of acupuncture that involves stimulating the needles with an electrical voltage. This voltage enhancement allows for direct invigoration of the channels to specific organs and acupoints. The use of electroacupuncture cuts down on healing time in the process of promoting health and well being!

  • Want youthful & vibrant skin that defies time?

    This form of acupuncture is a non-surgical method used to increase blood flow, enhance the production of collagen and reduce inflammation and tension within the face. Facial acupuncture can help influence the long term health of your skin!

  • A form of traditional Chinese medicine form that utilizes heat therapy (Ai Ye) to help facilitate the reduction of inflammation, dispelling cold and drying phlegm.

    Ai Ye/Mugwort is a small, spongy herb that is used to enhance the healing effects of acupuncture.

Longevity Practices

Our daily activities form our foundation. In the traditions of Asia and other cultures it is very important to develop internal practices that invigorate the internal viscera. Such longevity practices as qi gong, tai qi chuan, ba gua and meditation are the formula for wellness and vitality. 


Cupping is a vascular dilation modality that is especially helpful in treating problems in local areas. It is very helpful in expelling the external pathogenic factors of wind-cold and wind-heat which can affect the lungs. Cups are also useful in moving tightness and relieving stiffness along the related meridian.


For many people Spring and Summer are seasons for allergies. Allergies, or allergic rhinitis, are due to an over-reactivity of the immune system to certain allergens. Asian medicine offers allergy sufferers a way to strengthen their bodies and significantly reduce their symptoms without unpleasant side effects.

You do not have to spend another season living with allergies!


Do you have any dental issues?

Our teeth and gums represent a major part of our overall health. Yet, the majority of our healthcare systems rarely include this in there diagnosis. In applying the principles of Asian medicine the teeth are included with respect paid to wisdom teeth, root canals and silver fillings; which can be the foundation of many dis-eases.

Spiritual Healing/Guidance

Do you have a desire to delve deeper into your inner world and the world that surrounds you?

We offer guidance, ancient tools and techniques with instruction to those that are walking the path of traveling farther and lighter.